Culture Clan
My for me most important project (up till now). With Culture Clan I have got to know Africa. This included that in Johannesburg I repeatedly had a 45 Magnum in the face… Definitely this wasn’t fun! But let’s start from the beginning:
I founded “Culture Clan”after a trip to South Africa with the band ‘Jazzkantine’. Jazzkantine had been invited to tour South Africa as part of a cultural exchange program during a visit by the German President. On that trip the band performed at several centres, and conducted workshops. I was fascinated by the richness and diversity of South Africaís culture and fell for the idea of recording music in Germany with vocals from South Africa. I spontaneously extended my stay by another 2 weeks and I got acquainted with Leon Erasmus, the owner of the Mega-Music Recording Studios and Zonke, a young and talented singer from Johannesburg.
Back in Germany, I explained the concept to bass player, composer and co-producer Matthias Fuerstenberg because a project of this couldn’t be handled alone.
I went a few times to Johannesburg to record also some rappers. (Unfortunately, on the “search for talent” I had a 45Magnum in my face since I had been in areas where a white is not supposed to turn up. Dam this wasn’t fun! But I had managed every time escape unhurt).
Back in Germany the songs were completed by the help of many brillianten musicians, also with string- and windplayers. More than 25 musicians on the whole were involved in the project CULTURE CLAN.
This was a loooot of work… but:
In the end we had a Nr.1 hit in South Africa and got 2 important Awards!!!

Music Award

Channel-O Video Award:
Best African Southern

Interwiev bei Y-FM (Johannesburg)
Hip Hop
Everything is gonna be alright
I’m ready
“Lyrical Attack
“Africa Nu”
“Lyrical Attack”
(Japan Edition)
Documentary by
Ali Samadi (DVD)